full cross referencing
Responses are referenced to the original data; for fact checking and further information at source.
Context-aware conversations: user & AI interaction
AI Context Hub not only remembers the context and responds in answer to further refinements / queries but also is able to ask the user about missing points of data or ask for help refining topics. Save your previous or favorite requests through pinned conversation, Search History and a Prompts Library.
Cross-language capabilities
Queries, Prompts, Responses and Summaries are fully language agnostic. For example, AI Context Hub can read a Spanish article, a German email and a French research paper to answer an English question and the response is translated for the user.
An intelligent collection of agents
With Reflection and Planning – AI Context Hub goes beyond Resource Augmented Generation (RAG) capabilities to improve productivity, accuracy and efficiency according to your needs.
Flexible insights and formats
Answers can be downloaded, shared or copied in various formats including table formats as well as text with full Microsoft Excel integration. Get answers on the fly – Ask AI Context Hub to interpret uploaded documents and images as you go. Use simple drag and drop to upload single documents.
AI Context Hub can function as an automation engine, capable of handling complex tasks that traditionally require human expertise, time and effort. It enables integration with leading technologies and data platforms like Power Automate, PowerApps, Microsoft Fabric, and OneLake, streamlining manual processes that block productivity and surfacing data for more holistic insights.
Flexibility as a metadata tool
AI Context Hub is not only an agent planner but can also be deployed and used as an intelligent document metadata extraction tool inside an automated process for many scenarios and requests from the chat interface. For example, via a Power Automate flow or an API would call the system for each new document and store the result in any format (e.g., an Excel in SharePoint).
Choose the secure deployment that suits your business
AI Context Hub can be deployed on your own Microsoft Azure environment, but you can also choose to adopt SaaS deployment model with a subscription.