
Ethics and Integrity among the Group’s essential values

The Prodware Group has always strived to develop its activities in accordance with its fundamental values, in a spirit of Integrity and Respect
towards its employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and partners.

Ethics and Integrity are indeed among the Group’s essential values, alongside with competence and professionalism.
These principles are consistent with our long-standing commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility.

Prodware has adopted the Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct developed by Middlenext which refers to the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
It defines the intangible principles in the fight against all forms of corruption which apply to all Group employees.

Anti-Corruption code of conduct

Prodware has also adopted a Code of Ethics formalizing its commitment to carrying out its activities with respect
to the principles set out in this Code and specifies the behavior expected from the Group’s employees and partners.


Our ethical principles in brief:

Direction Commerciale CSO


  • With respect to our competitors and competition law
  • Fight against all forms of corruption and conflicts of interest
  • Compliance with international laws and sanctions regimes
  • Fight against money laundering…

Respect for dignity

  • Protection of the physical and mental integrity of employees
  • Zero tolerance against any form of harassment or discrimination…

Protection & Confidentiality of Information

  • Compliance with regulations and procedures relating to the protection of personal data, privileged information and insider trading…

Protection of tangible and intangible assets and in particular the image of the Group

Environmental Protection

  • Compliance with regulations and the fight against global warming

The Group has reinforced these principles in a Code for its Business Partners who must commit to respecting them in the pursuit of their relationship with Prodware Group.